Director's Advocacy
Minimising the effect of liquidation on directors

What is a Director's Advocate (DA)?
A DA is a skilled business professional, often with extensive experience, who provides liquidation advice and support for directors and business owners throughout the process of liquidation.
If you’re worried and want fast action, contact Cheryl now. Your initial consultation is free and without obligation.
Why is a Director's Advocate necessary?
During liquidation, the DA is very likely the only source of professional, independent liquidation advice and support. Every other professional involved must abide by legal and other responsibilities that by their nature conflict with those of the director.
Cheryl Stainsby is a trusted independent DA, recommended by industry professionals. She works with you to identify your key goals, helping you get the best outcome possible with those goals always in mind.
She battles for you, making sure your rights are protected while your legal responsibilities are met. Cheryl’s one-on-one support guides you safely through the entire confusing maze.

‘Our liquidation advice and support services save the client in three important ways: money, errors and stress. We focus on getting the very best deal for clients while providing honest, lawful advice.’
Save Errors
It can take years to recover from poor advice and bad decisions made during liquidation. And it’s far too easy to make costly errors when you’re teetering on the brink.
You need a steady, reassuring hand and an experienced strategist on your side.
Save Money
Liquidation fees and charges can turn the pile of challenges you face into a mountain. Cheryl knows all about it and she’ll help you keep legal and other fees to the absolute minimum.
The painful truth is that without a DA it’s likely that your outcome will be far more serious and costly, possibly affecting your life for many more years to come.
Save Stress
Cheryl is keenly aware that losing a business can lead to the unraveling of the lives of those involved.
Her relentless goal is to reduce the burden and the stress, so that your life – family, home, career – is protected.
Why Choose Us for liquidation advice and support? Our clients tell their stories ...
Liquidation Advice and Support - Your Questions Answered
The director of a company in liquidation can be held liable for the following:
- Unpaid Group Tax which has not been lodged on time.
- Unpaid Superannuation which has not been lodged on time.
- Any debts which the director has given his personal Guarantee on.
- Directors Drawings which are recorded as loans in the balance sheet.
- An Insolvent Trading claim by the liquidator.
A director can continue to be a director of a company after liquidation in most cases.